Build your confidence through movement


Understand the fundamental movements to build strength, stability and mobility. Using Yoga Detour™ principles


Using wellness coaching and mindfulness techniques to get you thinking in different ways and challenging your beliefs


Have fun with movement in your body and challenge your mental patterns by reconnecting with your playful self

Welcome to Curiously Confident

Let's move together

Private & Group

Aerial and Yoga sessions in the park, at home or in studio.  I’ll be there to support and guide you. I’ll encourage you to have fun and get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Private Online

Aerial or Yoga across the screen. If you’re a visual learner I’ll demo as we move. Otherwise I’ll be siting across the screen giving you feedback and enjoying a few laughs along the way.


Playful movement to keep you and your team connected in person or across the screen. I encourage laughter, self-enquiry and embracing your wobbling.

The Confidence Toolkit

If you want to feel better in your body, but you’re short on time. You’ll find tools to challenge you physically, moving meditations to keep you focused and playful snacks to enjoy.

Movement can help you

Turn your "I can't" into "I can"

Ask yourself the question, what if you can? Realise that you’re more capable than you think.

Challenge your physical and mental beliefs

Use movement to explore and interrupt your patterns and challenge what you think is possible.

Feel stronger and build confidence

You get stronger when you step out of your comfort zone. When you move better, you feel better which helps you build confidence.