The Confidence Toolkit (TCT)

I've never done yoga before, is this for me

Yes! There are a variety of options to choose from. So you can take it at your own pace and choose the option most suitable for you.

Can I access this on an app?

Yes you can download the Momence app from the app store

What should I wear?

Whatever makes you feel comfortable, whether that's active wear or pj's. It's up to you 🙂

What equipment do I need?

All of these classes are floor based yoga classes. We will make use of a variety of props but there are different options to choose like lemons instead of balls or books instead of blocks

How do I find the class that's right for me?

Within the videos section you will be able to filter the sessions so you can choose your class based on your time, prop, body part or movement focus. There are many options to choose from.

What if I can't find what I'm looking for?

Please reach out by clicking here if you're experiencing any technical difficulties or if you'd like to give me feedback on your experience. All feedback is welcomed.


Do you have to be flexible, strong, fit or "insert adjective" to practise Yoga?

No, the way I teach Yoga is to encourage you to begin where you are. Whether you have been practising Yoga for years or this is your very first class. You can use the concept of beginners mind. Start where you are on that day and see what you can learn about yourself by moving your body in different ways.

Why would you practise Yoga?

Some of these benefits are:

  • Stress Relief – Move your body and create some space for your mind
  • Mental Clarity – Movement has been proven to help you to perform at a higher mental level
  • Core stability – Use focused movements to unravel patterns that aren’t helping you
  • Stretching and Mobility – Let your body move freely as you undo some of the stiffness caused by sitting
What style of Yoga do you teach?

I teach Yoga Detour™. This is a practice focused on infusing strength and stability into yoga asana. This class moves at an accessible pace, waking up the body thoughtfully and methodically with the assistance of props. Though these classes may not move as quickly as a flow class, students should come prepared to work hard as they learn about how their bodies are designed to move. Suitable to all levels — even the seasoned practitioner will pick up a few tips and tricks in this class.

How do private sessions work?

Private sessions can be done online or in person. I’d love to have a chat with you before the session to learn more about you. Please send me an email or fill in the form and I will contact you.

Why would you practise Aerial Yoga?
  • Decompress tight joints
  • Core strengthening and lengethening
  • Increased muscular strength & flexibility
  • Relieving pressure while aligning the vertebrae
  • Increased kinesthetic awareness
  • Fine-tuning balance & increased proprioception
  • Low impact cardio-vascular conditioning
  • Perform advanced yoga & postural inversions without neck or back compression
  • Hold challenging yoga postures longer and in correct alignment
  • Stretch further with less strain
  • Muscular tension release through self-massage techniques
  • Adds an entirely new dimension to your Yoga/Fitness practice
  • Create better body awareness while increasing overall agility
  • Self-esteem enhancement through conquering fears
  • Refreshes the lymphatic, digestive & circulatory systems
  • Releases “happy hormones” i.e. serotonin, endorphins, oxytocin, dopamine
  • Increases the Neuroplasticity of the brain (one’s ability to learn)